What to look for when choosing a Coach


Finding the right coach, to work with you in the areas you’re interested in, is a process that calls for market research, as you would do in any other purchase.

An effective coach must fulfil a series of conditions, so they can be the right person to support. First thing’s first. They need to have the necessary qualifications. You have every right to inquire about their qualifications and follow up with the accrediting body to confirm whether their claims are actually accurate.

He may also specialise in topics around the labour market, businesses, interpersonal relationships, health, or other fields altogether. When you choose a coach, make sure it’s someone that can support you in the field that is of interest to you.


Qualifications aside, to be able to work with a coach, you need to “click” with them. Working on mental and emotional issues can be challenging as it requires opening up and being vulnerable in front of a person you barely know. One of the coach’s first initiatives is to set up the right conditions for a safe environment, full of understanding, discretion and acceptance, zero judgement, so you can relax and go with the flow.


Look for a coach, who asks effective questions that are to the point and productively trigger the way you think. Their role is not to spoon feed you answers, but to support you, while you’re exploring a problem, to find the most suitable solution for you. A capable coach will figure out your communicational style and will adjust theirs, to enhance your interactions as well as your internal process.


Communication also has to do with your coach’s capacity to listen deeply and effectively. Your coach needs to heed your needs, your values and your desires, so they can better understand you.


An effective coach can make you face the issues you are dealing with, without being judgemental. A coach’s approach must be noble and sincere, in a way that does not impede your growth. The coach’s role is to nudge you out of your comfort zone, so you can grow.


The coach shares the responsibility for your success. But you need to trust your coach that shares their fair share of responsibility, so they can keep you accountable for your progress and growth as well as document how well you have applied in your life what you’ve learned.

You and your needs are unique. A good coach is capable of helping you map how you can overcome your limiting beliefs and limiting decisions, as well as the results you’re after. This is why TFM coaches can help you design a highly customized plan and not a one-size-fits-all approach.


The goal of coaching is to make changes that will be a permanent fixture in life and help you achieve your goals. To measure that, you need to work on setting goals and work toward achieving them. Besides, this will be what will convince you to make changes and succeed.


It’s very important to be able to take feedback from your coach and have an open and honest discussion with him. Being able to let go while your coach maintains his professional capacity is for the essence. The moment you befriend your coach, your professional relationship is almost certain to have come to an end.

Talk to your coach. Tell him what you need, how you operate, what kind of person you are. Help your coach help you – communicate what kind of person you are so he can help you.


A good coach needs to have a growth mindset. This means that they will push you to you’re the edge of your comfort and beyond, consistently. You have what it takes to achieve incredible things in your lifetime and your only obstacles are the way you think and the limitations society has reinforced upon you. What this then means is that you need to find a coach that can see through these limitations and walk you through them.

What is NLP?


NLP was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder as a method to achieve personal excellence and a study of people that were the leaders of the pack in their field. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming;

  • Neuro because behaviour stems from the neurological processing of information, provided by our five senses.
  • Linguistic because language is a fundamental tool in organising our thoughts and communication.
  • Programming because it recognizes how behaviour can be shaped and managed, to achieve the desired results.


In a nutshell, NLP provides a package of methods, techniques and tool, which when used properly can lead to self-improvement, success, productivity, joy, gratitude and feeling complete. The behavioural and linguistic patterns of successful people are studied and dissected by NLP Coaches and Practitioners, in order to distil them. The next step is modelling these patterns of behaviour and language used by other people who desire to achieve comparable results of a certain calibre in their fields of interest.

The certified, seasoned and experienced NLP Coaches, can help you turn your goals into reality, eliminate self-limiting beliefs and decisions, and break down unproductive behaviours that set you back. They can help you see, hear and feel the change and realise the future you envision. 


How can NLP be of use to me?

NLP can be applied to all aspects of life, in anything that has to do with your mind and body.

That aside, NLP can be used for your evolution, career progress and financial prosperity. The professionals that employ these skills come from a wide variety of fields and include:

  • Medical professionals of all specialties and sub-specialties
  • Businesspeople
  • Managers
  • Team leaders
  • HR Professionals
  • Coaches
  • Sales professionals
  • Insurers
  • Therapists
  • Personal trainers


NLP is also used to establish more harmonious relationships, full of love and understanding, from:

  • Parents
  • Partners 
  • Friends