Phishing is a form of digital attack mainly carried out via email, advertisements, or websites that look similar to websites you already use. The ultimate goal of cybercriminals is to mislead potential victims and extract personal data, bank account or credit/debit card details, passwords, etc.


Phishing websites may ask for information such as:

  • Usernames and passwords
  • Social security numbers
  • Bank account numbers
  • PIN codes (Personal Identification Numbers)
  • Credit card numbers
  • Your mother’s paternal
  • Your birthday


How to recognize phishing

An email or electronic message can contain official logos or other references of a reputable organization and yet still come from phishers.


Here are some things that can help identify a phishing email:

  • Anagrams or spelling mistakes in the sender’s address.
  • Non-existent names and addresses.
  • We are wary of emails that demand immediate action on our part or threaten to disable our accounts.
  • We are alert for emails that are not addressed to us by name or have spelling errors.


Be careful whenever you receive a message from a website that asks for personal information. If you receive this type of message, do not provide the information requested until you confirm that the site is legitimate. If possible, open the website in another window instead of clicking on the link received in your email.


How to protect yourself from phishing

Understand new phishing techniques. Monitor the media for reports of phishing attacks, as attackers may discover new techniques to trap users.


Do not give out your personal information. Always be alert if an email from a seemingly trustworthy source asks for your credentials or other sensitive details. If necessary, verify the contents of the message with the sender or the organization it purports to represent (using contact details known to be authentic rather than details given in the message).


Think again before you click. If a suspicious message contains a link or file attachment, do not click or download it. Doing so may lead you to a malicious website or infect your device with malware.


Check your online accounts regularly. For better or worse, even if you don’t suspect someone is trying to steal your credentials, check your bank and other online accounts for suspicious activity.


Incident report to The F Mind

The F Mind customers are advised to use only the official website of the company and its links.

For any information or to report a phishing incident, please contact The F Mind at .