Effective communication skills in the workplace

Communication skills in the workplace.
Rules of survival and growth in the professional arena, to live by!

How does this work?

If you’re about to start or have been working for years in the corporate world, you might find this space quite demanding and challenging. You are interacting daily with dozens of people, that are completely different to you. At the same time, the amount of time you spend with them during the day is potentially more than the time you spend with your closest friends.

Also, the way you communicate with your colleagues, the image you project, the confidence you instill in them, your physiology, as well as the professionalism you exude are definitive factors for your career progression. All of the above tend to play an even more important role than your qualifications and the rest of your skills.

How do you comfortably survive and stand out? Can you improve and climb up the ladder even in the face of extremely challenging circumstances? If not, what’s stopping you?


The aim of the seminar is to:

  • Show you how to comfortably and effortlessly communicate with all your colleagues.
  • Make your presence felt in your workplace.
  • To activate and develop specific communication skills for the results you have in mind.
  • To control your voice and its tonality.
  • To be able to deliver impactful presentations.
  • To have a dynamic and effective presence in meetings.
  • To either develop Emotional Intelligence or improve it. This way you can leverage it successfully and understand your colleagues’ intentions and behaviour.


Soft Skills matter

Soft Skills are either skills or fundamental competencies of a person, which complement and enhance their gravitas to their personality. Besides, they’re tricky to measure, at least with conventional tests and they’re not taught in universities. At the very core of these so-called Soft Skills lies effective communication.


By the end of the seminar, you will know:



  • How to operate by activating and using your positive thinking, in and out of the office.
  • How to build your self-esteem.
  • What are your special skills and how to make the best of them in your workplace.
  • What is active listening and how to make targeted questions.
  • How to communicate with anybody.
  • How to be agile and overcome basic communication hurdles.
  • How to leverage your physiology, to exude confidence.
  • How to use the tonality of your voice.
  • How to project the right image of yourself.
  • How to use your Emotional Intelligence to overcome any hurdle.


In a nutshell, you will make helpful adjustments to your daily routine and shape your workplace to suit your needs. The seminar is 4 hours long and takes place face-to-face, after coordinating with us about the exact time and date. For corporate clients, there is also the option of more customized training sessions.

Are you ready to improve your professional image?