Date your soulmate – Dating program for women


◉ Are you having a hard time talking to men?

◉ Do you freeze at the mere thought of talking to someone you’ve never met before?

◉ Would you like to be in a relationship, but for some reason, it’s not working out for you?

◉ “Are all the good ones taken?”

◉ Have you forgotten how to flirt with your long-term partner?

◉ What is it that makes flirting so hard these days? Since communication is everything, what is that make the dynamics of flirting and men’s attention so hard to read?


The art of interaction:

◉ How would you feel if you could just breeze through every single interaction you have with men?

◉ How would you feel if you had the option of calling dibs on first pick rather than waiting to be someone’s third or fourth pick?

◉ How would you feel if you took charge of the situation and handled your emotional interactions in a completely different way?


What does the seminar include?

Everything you need to build your confidence, strengthen your already brilliant personality and learn the secrets to comfortably interacting with the opposite sex.


In this seminar you will learn:


  • What are the Six human needs and how to productively fulfil them in flirting and your relationships?
  • The reasons for wanting to flirting and their root causes.
  • Where does my feminine energy come from? Have I lost it or do I hide it too well?
  • The Four levels of love.
  • What do I want from a man? What can I and what do I want to offer to a man? How realistic is all this?
  • What are the three basic needs of a man and how can I fulfil them when we’re flirting and when we’re in a relationship?
  • What do I want vs what do I need?


  • Positive mindset and predisposition – Smile
  • What are my expectations from a first interaction and what am I willing to do to make it work?
  • Which topics of conversation do I bring up and which ones do I steer clear of?
  • How do find out details about him without coming across as pushy?
  • Being playful when flirting – Add more than a pinch of humour and have a great time.
  • Do I stay passive or do I take on a more assertive role?) (Do I have a choice? If that’s the case, how do I go about it?)
  • How do I escalate?


  • How do I insinuate I want to see him again?
  • Do we exchange deets on socials?
  • Time Bridge and the importance of maintaining communication flow.
  • First date – Where, how, when?
  • How do I handle the first date?
  • Who’s buying? Do we go Dutch?
  • Escalating and appropriate physical contact


6 extraordinary weeks

By being part of this exclusive team, you’ll have full support in terms of how you can flirt, communicate your thoughts and feelings and anything that is of concern to you prior, during or after being in a relationship.

6 extraordinary meet-ups, where you’ll get to know and network with women that have the same concerns and interests with you. You’ll be able to talk, exchange opinion and stay in contact, if that’s something you’d like to do.