Corporate assessment and alignment


Our diverse disciplinary and professional background, our NLP knowhow and its application, have given us a unique perspective. This was what makes us capable of crafting a particular approach to identifying and resolving your corporate and professional challenges you face.


Educational solutions:


Successful sales

What would it mean for your business, if your sales went up by a substantial percentage?

How would your bottom line be affected, if you could support your salespersons’ competencies and enrich them with new tools and techniques?

Sales are the lifeblood of businesses and sourcing capable, resilience and adaptive salespersons can be arduous. An even bigger challenge is strengthening and developing a resilience to being rejected.

Influence and negotiations

How often are you met with no in your line of work?

How hard do you find, getting in a room and negotiating a deal?

How hard do you find landing win/win deals to meet your KPIs?

How helpful would you find it if you could get your hands on a framework of techniques, that would enhance your focus and dedication, toward your goal?

It’s very easy to lose sight of your goal in a negotiation, if you lack clarity or vision or if you’re not 100% committed to getting the result and determined to go all the way.

Effective leadership

The concept of what makes a leader great is fairly misunderstood. We often misread a successful employee for a potentially great manager, without taking into account whether they have the necessary skills, for that specific position.

Is a good manager born or made? What types of leadership are there and how one can mix and match between them to generate enthusiasm and instil trust in their team, aiming at optimising productivity and achieving team goals?

Group dynamics and interpersonal relationships

The workplace is a microcosm of society. There’s often tensions, that can escalate, which can disrupt the smooth working of the group or the department. They can range from misunderstandings, miscommunication, to team members not being compatible with the workplace culture.

How can one de-escalate quickly and efficiently such instances, to prevent them from spreading?

How can a positive attitude be fostered, where people are accepted, heard and recognized, to strengthen the team?

Understanding and building successful teams – Team building from scratch. Values and assignment of roles

What would happen if the team had been built from the ground-up, harmoniously, cohesively and with aligned values?

How much more cohesive would the company be if every employee gave their 100%?

How hard is it to merge and organise teams?

Building a robust team from the ground up, is of the essence. A properly organised HR can put together incredible teams from scratch, in tune and aligned with the goal, with the same values and values levels.

In a fluid business landscape, full of challenges and uncertainty, we can approach together these issues, as well as the demands, a company is faced with. Also, with the right guidance and support, we can turn your company ‘future-ready’. This process calls for complete trust and cooperation. Together we’ll work so we can create tailor-made seminars and training programs, that will meet the expectations and needs of your company or branch.

One-on-One coaching:

About difficulties around strained work relationships.

About work transitions, change of position and field.

About lack of appreciation at work or lack of work opportunities.