Breakthrough Sessions






Personal Breakthrough Program – Finding inner strength for change


TFM Personal Breakthrough program is a unique experience. A highly customised package designed to spot and face all types of difficulties, a person can experience on a personal and professional level.

The Personal Breakthrough Program Session – Finding inner strength for change is a highly customised, packaged, designed to inspire you and allow all your personal ambitions to emerge in 2 days of intensive, remarkable, personal exploration, acceptance and change.

This whole process will be taking place with the support of a thoroughly experienced NLP Coach, to face all your challenges and issues, to fully perceive your desired changes, as well as your future personal goals. Together you will be discovering your thought patterns and the mental strategies you’re “running” in your head.

Discovering your preferred representational system, your values and convictions will shed some light on your thought and behaviour, while your NLP coach helps you with assessing them. Also, with the support of your NLP coach, you will make changes on any unproductive behaviour, to create congruence between your thoughts and your actions and achieve alignment in all areas of your life.

You will set strong, crystal clear and ambitious goals that you will achieve with focus and confidence. A goal, which exists only in your head, is just a dream. To that end, your NLP Coach will help you apply specific methods and techniques so you can record them and turn them into reality.

The exclusive support program is based on techniques from Neuro – Linguistic Programming (NLP), Coaching, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy ® and it will be designed, just for you, to allow you to:

  • Effortlessly make timely and consistent decisions.
  • Get rid of the emotional baggage, that you’ve been carrying for years.
  • Get rid of all the negative emotions and limiting beliefs, that pull you back in life.
  • Resolve internal conflicts and create inner alignment and positive energy.
  • Get rid of your phobias, addictions and any non-helpful behaviours, that keep you from getting what you want out of life.
  • Make sure that the values and the value levels are aligned in all the areas of your life and help you take your thought about your values to the next level.
  • Set the foundation for quick and momentous personal growth.
  • Create the positive thinking that promotes good health and well-being on a spiritual and corporeal level.
  • Create a positive future, having the possibility to zero in on what you really need and desire, to achieve your clearly defined goals.
  • Dig yourself out of the emotional hole you may have found yourself in, and take off!


Break out of this mould and invest now in yourself for the rest of your life.